
Fall Sports Meeting and Tryout Information
Fall Sports Meeting and Tryout Information
Updated on 03/07/2023

Tryout and Meeting Dates:

Golf (Boys and Girls) Meeting : Monday July 25th 5:30 PM and Wednesday July 27th @ 5:30PM @ Bensalem Golf Course(Please attend these meetings and workouts) First Practice August 8th 5:30PM @ Bensalem

Boys Soccer: August 15th 8AM on our Main Soccer Field

Girls Soccer: August 15th 4PM Meeting; 5PM Practice ( Soccer Field )

Football : New Player Meeting (freshman, transfer or first year player @ AR) :July 26th 6:30PM in the Auditorium.  First Practice : August 8th. 

Field Hockey: Workouts: Every Tuesday and Thursday @ 4:30PM on FH Field located behind the soccer field. First Practice August 15th @ 4:30PM

Cross Country: First Practice :August 15th. 6:30 PM (Meet in South Side Parking Lot) August 16th 7:45AM, August 17th 6:30PM 

Girls Volleyball: First Practice: August 15th 5PM in North Gym 

Girls Tennis: First Practice: August 15th 8:30am @ Palmer Playground (Thornton and Comly)

CheerleadingAll New Athletes: Please Reach out to our HC Angela Roman @ for practice information

First Official Dates and Head Coach Contact INFO. Any questions regarding a sport - please contact our head coach and cc me @ I will reach out if our coach does not get back to you quickly. 

Fall Sports begins August 15th
Football and Golf begin August 8th 

Football Head Coach Bill Murphy (

Boys Soccer Head Coach Ryan Haney ( (

Girls Soccer Head Coach Scarlett Walsh (

B + G Cross Country HC Paul Matuczak (

Golf - HC Joe Szychulski (

Girls Tennis HC Doug MacMaster (

Girls Volleyball HC Nora Kramer (

Girls Field Hockey HC Nickole Dalton Steger (

Cheerleading HC Angela Roman (


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